Baby Development Stages

The first thing that the happy Baby Development Stages parents tell your family and friends, is gender, height and weight of the newborn. "The son was born, 52 cm, 3.5 kg" or "we — girl, 3000 g, 50 cm" is most often the words that they say on the phone or write in SMS messages about your child.

The same options puts the first doctor in the history of the health of the newborn. Why are the numbers of the height and weight of the child so important for doctors and parents? Growth, body weight, and the amount of head circumference and chest are the main indicators that help doctors assess the physical development of a newborn baby. Small or, conversely, a large weight, the ratio of the circumference of the head and chest, the child's growth is not just dry numbers, it is possible to suggest or exclude some diseases of the newborn.

Then, when the child will grow up, it is based on these settings, the pediatrician will monitor his condition, to give advice on feeding, mode, to make any appointment. That's why, once the child was born, he was immediately measured, weighed and enter these data in the medical record. Then in the first year of life height, weight, chest circumference and head of the child should be measured 1 time per month, since the baby is in this time very intensively Baby Development Stages growing.

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