Baby Feeding

Small dimple on top of child — Fontanelle — performs Baby Feeding the important task at the time of their child being born. And after birth she plays a serious role, and along with this special attention to mothers and doctors. The fontanelles are areas at the joints of cranial bones, covered with bone instead of soft elastic shells. Thanks to them, the plastic baby's head during childbirth can adapt to the curves of the mother's pelvis. The volume and size of the head of the baby at birth decrease, which helps to protect from damage and the brain of the baby and the mother's bodies. All six fontanels, but in full-term babies born, as a rule, only one remains open in the region of the sinciput, called the Fontanelle. Normal size is from 0.5 to 3 cm, and the shape of a diamond. After the birth it helps your baby to adapt to changing external environment to maintain body temperature, regulate fluctuations in intracranial pressure.

This is a great spring we spent a whole year trying to work around involuntarily when patting baby on the head, remove the cap and combed. Right under the skin, thin and shiny, is durable yet flexible membrane that is later somestisa bone, and under it a fairly large pulsing vein. It swells, transmitting the vibrations of the arteries and heart, when the baby cries, yells or takes a deep breath. Fontanelle grows gradually and finally closes between 6 and 18 months.

When exactly this will happen depends primarily on the characteristics of the organism of the baby. Although too slow or, on the contrary, fast overgrown Fontanelle is a symptom of the disease, but not in itself, but together with other symptoms. So, most often the "dent" is tightened too slowly because of rickets. It happens so that the spring disappears in the first six months of baby's life — the reason for this is the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the body. "Concave" does not require special care. The spring can be touched and hand, and a comb — although, of course, Baby Feeding push it is not worth it, as, indeed, on any other part of the body of the child.

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