Baby Stuff

What is it? This is the main means of Baby Stuff communication not only for adults but also for kids. Moreover, the importance of his speech acquires not from the first day of a baby's life, but much earlier, when the baby is in the womb. Baby year talk!The little creature still in her tummy mom remembers the words. He feels that and as you say. Your words and intonations will be to talk to the kid when she grows up.

 And after birth, with the first day of life in our world, this baby starts with emotions, cries, babble and melodic zvuchaschey, which at first difficult to accept for a speech, to which we are accustomed. But it's baby's first steps to mastering the "adult" speech understandable to all. When communicating with a toddler is not enough gestures, facial expressions and some sounds. But adults most often when you communicate with newborns use interjections, individual sounds. The sooner you start talking to the child in an adult, with a variety of tone (playful, funny, mysterious, cunning, etc.), the richer your story will be about the world, the sooner you can start to speak baby. And the easier it is for him to Express his feelings, emotions, the easier it will be to tell about the discoveries and observations.

 Of course, at first, and ask questions, and answer them will be yourself. Don't be afraid, it won't look stupid. It is precisely at this time, the child learns to distinguish between the intonation of questions and answers, memorize, recognize already heard before, and to absorb new knowledge. Closer to the first birthday of the understanding of gestures and facial expressions is at its peak. At this age, it is growing fast passive vocabulary, therefore it is very important to give maximum information, constantly offering the child new knowledge. The kid is good-hungry-to-date information and knowledge of unknown facts. Baby year talk!More than a new baby learns in the first years, the richer, Baby Stuff obraznoe and interesting.

So, there will be full communication with children and adults. So, some rules. Call things and phenomena by their proper names: "bibika" and "car, car". When this call color, brand and etc. Do not skimp on the expression of love, care, joy, admiration for the child's success. Praise him, talk about how it is dear to you, as you love him as you waited for him. So the kid will be learn to Express their feelings verbally. Communicate more with the baby. Do not think that it is too small! He understands much more than you think. Use a strong momentum, not simplify it, not make suggestions, do not pick up simple words.

Toddler, starting to speak, not utter a word he had never heard of. Moreover, having heard this word, he will not understand, about what there is a speech. The more and more diverse will be your communication with your child, the richer will be his speech. Stimulate cognitive activity of the baby. Active vocabulary helps to Express thoughts, and to do this you need to promote the interest of the baby to the world. Give him a chance to Express their feelings and thoughts the words he wants. Don't scold for wrong words, do not interrupt him, do not correct an infinite number of times. Listen to your child!

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